21-09-2007 English

I didn't write anithing for more then one week. I appologize. But I have a good reason. I don't have any internet conexion where I am now. As I tell you before, I went to the village called Guédé-Chantier with Joërg. We were suppose to leave on Wednesday but finally we leave on Tuesday, senegalese delay. To leave Dakar, we go trought the suburbs. The day before it was raining strongly, and the street of Pikine are fooded and full of mud. We stayed on the main street joining Dakar to the rest of the country. We finally quit Dakar's trafic jam and agitation. And the countryside apeared to me. I saw my first Baobab, my first african cows, with a hump like zebu. This is the middle of the raining season and everything is green. I miss the naked landscape, burst by the sun, red by iron.  No, Senegal is not only desert ! Along the road doozen of sellors propose fruits. This is the mango season, and there is montains of it, I eat one every day !

I passed by Saint-Louis. It's an old colonial town, and the iner center architecture prouve it. Saint-Louis is built at the mouth of the river Senegal. Afert having a lunch in a vetnamese restaurant, yes, that's true, we continue our way along the river, without seing it a lot. We passed by Richard Toll.

We are welcomed byAhmadou and Hady the two technicians of Enda. During few days, with Joërg, we visited the near villages to meet farmer organisations and see school-field. Each day we go back to Ndium where Joërg rent a house. The month of Ramadan start the day after our coming, so I have to adapt my rythm to the fast of my hosts. I can drink when ever  I want and eat a little at midday. Anyway, heat cut the hungryness. At the contrary it's really dificult to not drink. One day, I didn't drink for 9 hours ! The felling when you drink after that is wonderfull, water is really life ! I don't how they can not drink from 5.30 am to 7 pm.

This last Thursday, Joërg leave me at Ahmadou's with my luggage and go back to Dakar. OK, here I am, alone in an unknown place, where only 30% of people speak french. That night I join my room. The instalation of my mosquito net in the dark is acrobatic ! I'm just in front of the Mosquee, so at 5.30am called to the prior, and at 6.30 it's the prior. It's quite hard !

I'm in Podor for tow days at Hary's house. It's really hot here.

Kisses and hugs


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